Event Details

  • Event:

    Annual Inter College Sports Fest

  • Host:

    SEA Education Trust

  • Location:

    SEA Campus, Bangalore

  • Start Date:

    December 02, 2022

  • End Date:

    December 03, 2022

Event Details

Josh 2k22 - #LevelUpYourGame, The Annual Sport Fest of SEA Composite PU College aimed at upskilling the sporting culture in our country and discovering new talents for creating a platform to showcase caliber, strength & skillset. The event attracted enthusiastic participation from several schools and PU Colleges across Bangalore.

Under the able guidance of the Principal Ms. Sneha Gowda and the Student's Council assisted by the faculty members with support from the Management, SEA Composte Pre University College was successful in hosting 12 Sporting Events on the 2nd & 3rd of December 2022. The Chief Guest for the event, Shri. Anandraj, The Deputy Director- Karnataka PU Board, Bengaluru South, Smt. Poornima Srinivas, Chief Executive Officer-SEA Group of Institutions, Ms. Asha, Principal - SEA State School and Ms. Hema, Principal - SEA ICSE School, Ms. Vinisha S Yadav, Vice President-SEA Group of Insituitions decorated the dias for the Innuagural Ceremony.

The Event was ignited by the Olympic Torch held by the College Captain, Mr. Jay Sinkar followed by the Olympic Torch Relay. The envious and vast playground and the Inbuilt Stadium became the feature of this great event. The Proffessional Commentory done by the students had many followers. The Volunteers played a big role in providing the on-ground support for the smooth conduct of the event.

The Event was concluded with the Valedictory Ceremony, Presided by Ms. Anupama, Joint Secretary-SEA Group of Institutions and the Principals of SEA Engineering College, SEA Degree College, SEA Nursing College & SEA Law College wherein the Principal Ms. Sneha Gowda thanked all the schools and colleges who had shown their presence with great spirit. The great sporting event was culminated with great cheer-up JOSH 2k22.